[KIT] of raw 7 CHAKRA crystals in a pouch


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According to lithotherapy each of our chakras is assigned stone.
Working with them makes an invaluable contribution to the Unblocking the chakras and harmonizing their energies.
In many cultures, they are used to learn about oneself and one's body and in controlling the internal flow of energy.

Mountain crystal- chakra CORONS
Amethyst- chakra THIRD EYE
Lapis- chakra THRONES
Green aventurine- chakra HEART
Citrine- chakra SOLAR PLEXUS
Carnelian- chakra SAKRAL
Red jasper- chakra BASICS

Dimensions11 × 8 cm


Start your adventure with crystals....

The set of these seven stones is used in lithotherapy, meditation or relaxation. It helps to focus on chakra energies, which you want to work with, or in balancing all of them, so that their energy is smooth.W medicine unconventional talk of placing stones on the body in places corresponding to their chakras During relaxation or meditation. This allows you to work directly with the stone. You can also work with each chakra individually, as needed. It is also believed that while unlocking the chakras, you should carry the stone with you.

The stones can be cleaned under running water and charged with the light of the sun or moon.  Since the stones are raw nuggets, their shape and size may vary slightly.

Cleanse and unlock your chakras

What are chakras? These are points in the body through which energy constantly flowsWhat happens when it doesn't flow? They are then formed disorders, energy blockagese in the flesh, manifested externally by the deficiency of certain specific qualities in life, necessary for a healthy and abundant life to the fullest.

  • BASE CHAKRA MULADHARA "I am safe". - The first chakra, is also called the root chakra located at the base of the spine, near the tailbone. It represents the basic needs described in detail in the base of Maslow's pyramid, i.e. sleep, food, security and money, which fulfill these needs.
  • SACRAL CHAKRA SVADISTHANA ''I accept myself''.- Chakra located at the sacrum at the level of the lower abdomen, below the navel. It represents the need for sensual pleasure. It is the center of reproduction and creativity. We often store strong memories of emotions in it.
  • SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA MANIPURA "I'm strong." Chakra located under the sternum, two fingers above the navel. It is a place of happiness, power, self-confidence, mental clarity and the ability to radiate inner light, coming from the Source. It houses energies that have come to us from outside in the form of verbal messages, both confidence-building and destructive.
  • HEART CHAKRA ANAHATA "I live in harmony."- Chakra located in the middle of the chest, at the level of the sternum. It represents unconditional love, sensitivity, fulfilled and successful relationships with others. This is where our true IAM resides. This is where spiritual beings have physical experiences in life on Earth. This is where we remember who we really are - love - and with its help we connect with others.
  • THROAT CHAKRA VISUDDHA "I'm telling the truth." Chakra located between the throat and larynx, exits the cervical vertebrae. The main energy center. It provides the ability to communicate and express our needs. This includes presenting our personality to the world through such mundane activities as cooking, singing, reading, writing or speaking.
  • THIRD EYE CHAKRA AJNA "I trust my intuition."- Chakra located in the middle of the forehead, about a finger's width above the root of the nose. Otherwise known as the wisdom chakra. Responsible for imagination, intuition, parapsychic abilities. It is here that we acquire the ability to perceive the unseen, unknown and heard, although unspoken. It is the place not only of intuition, but also of knowledge and dreams.
  • CORONA CHAKRA SAHASRARA"I am one."- Chakra located at the top of the head. This is the point that connects us to the Source. This is where the energy of all the lower chakras unites. Meridian responsible for higher intuition, transmissions and connections to higher consciousness. Here we hide miracles, their appreciation and gratitude will increase their materialization and occurrence.

How to cleanse the chakras? Through meditation, working with minerals (lithotherapy), With sound (music therapy), By color (chromotherapy) or scent (aromatherapy), But this is not the end, but only the beginning... In special cases, it is worth considering a visit to a bioenergotherapist. There are many methods of cleansing the chakras. The most effective is the one that "appeals" to us most for the moment.

Additional information

Dimensions11 × 8 cm

White, Red, Orange, Gold, Blue