    • 889.99 

      Asian amazonite skullcap has powerful properties attracting abundance and prosperity. Asian amazonite is associated with money, luck and overall success. Commonly referred to as "the gambler's stone." It attracts good luck and fortune in life. According to alternative medicine, amazonite has Soothing effect on the nervous system.

      Size: 127 x 84 x 98mm | Weight: 1256g

    • 629.99 

      Blue sodalite is called the blue "logic stone" because of its The ability to clear the mind and bring out deep thoughts. A skull of this stone enhances the analytical side of the person possessing it. It triggers creativity.  Strengthens discipline and perseverance.  It lightens the mind and allows you to make good decisions.

    • 739.99 

      The Blue Calcite Skullcap is effective against one's own laziness. According to alternative medicine, possifies strong medicinal properties Among other things: stimulates metabolism, improves the immune system, stabilizes heart rhythm, lowers blood pressure, and relieves pain. Due to the double refraction of light Enhances the effect of magical spells. It is a perfect complement to rituals and affirmations.


      Size: 127 x 84 x 100mm | Weight: 1396g

    • 629.99 

      Blue sodalite is called the blue "logic stone" because of its The ability to clear the mind and bring out deep thoughts. A skull of this stone enhances the analytical side of the person possessing it. It triggers creativity.  Strengthens discipline and perseverance.  It lightens the mind and allows you to make good decisions.

      Size: 127 x 9 6x 79mm | Weight: 1115g

    • 719.99 

      The Autumn Leaf jasper skullcap provides an inspiring calm that allows you to not only better understand the world, but also yourself. Helps you connect with the Earth, balance the energy and dismiss distracting thoughts. This is the perfect talisman for anyone who needs to focus on following their dreams or on creative work.

      Size: 127 x 84 x 97mm | Weight: 1276g

    • 719.99 

      African verdite stone skull can increase strength, reliability and integrity. Verdite is associated with many chakras, especially the solar plexus, heart, sacral and root chakras. According to alternative medicine, the stone can also help improve the respiratory and circulatory systems.

      Size: 126 x 83 x 98mm | Weight: 1286g

    • 789.99 

      Jadeite "Afghanistan" known as "stone serpent" -. an amazing healing gem. According to alternative medicine, the skullcap of this stone shows exceptional properties in crystal healing - it uses powerful healing energy that creates an energetic and protective shield around the body. It is said that it can effectively calm the nervous system and can help the body fight infections and support the treatment of hypoglycemia and diabetes.

      In addition to protecting the body from harm, Jadeite "Afghanistan" works to protect mental, emotional and spiritual health.

      Size: 126 x 82 x 99mm | Weight: 1249g

    • 789.99 

      The unakite skullcap is ideal for meditation and spiritual work. It is worth reaching for it in moments of crucial changes in life, making decisions and when insight is needed. According to unconventional medicine, Unakite helps achieve balance, and in lithotherapy it is also used to treat the digestive system and relieve lower abdominal cramps.

      Dimensions: 127 x 84 x 99 mm Weight: 1422 g

    • 259.99 

      The lace agate skull in bright color allows you to look inside yourself, understand your thoughts and get in better touch with yourself. It improves mood, adds energy and removes fatigue. It is a talisman that attracts luck, prosperity and all abundance.

    • 729.99 

      The pictorial jasper skullcap solidifies good contact with the Earth and resonating with its vibrations. Brings gentleness, understanding, harmony and comfort. This skullcap casts away anxiety and negative thoughts. It is recommended for grounded operation and a sense of meaning in life.

      128x84x101 mm

    • 589.99 

      Onyx skull will provide psychic power, stabilize energy, give confidence. It is worth working with in moments of doubt or whenever it is necessary to calm negative emotions. This skull should be used by people who often they dwell on the past and who find it difficult to open up to new experiences.


    • 199.99 

      Peace jasper skull will bring you a sense of serenity, peace, understanding, empathy for the world. This Skull should be reached for by those who need to work with patienceIt is an amulet that will bring you happiness, self-insight and openness to others. It is an amulet that will bring you happiness and optimism.


    • 189.99 

      Jasper Picasso is a brilliant choice if you need support in meditation, ceremonies or other spiritual practices. This skull also has a positive effect on interpersonal relationshipsIt also helps to strengthen ties and renew the positive emotions that people once had. Jasper Picasso also allows better understand your own thoughts and needs.

    • 239.99 

      The agate skull is a good choice for any person who wants work with your spirituality, balance the yin and yang energiesAs well as the masculine and feminine elements in one's Self. Agate promotes emotional maturity, intellectual and spiritual development. Not only useful during meditation or breathing exercises!


    • 249.99 

      The agate skull is a good choice for any person who wants work with your spirituality, balance the yin and yang energiesAs well as the masculine and feminine elements in one's Self. Agate promotes emotional maturity, intellectual and spiritual development. Not only useful during meditation or breathing exercises!

      50x33x40 mm