rose quartz aura titanum

    • 169.99 

      Recommended for head and body massage. The scalp massage subtly stimulates hair follicles, which stimulates hair growth. Relaxes, eliminates tension, and often and regularly used affects the reduction of dandruff. A worthy successor to a scrub, not only for the scalp, but also for the whole body. Effective against cellulite, it improves blood circulation to the skin and its overall condition. Massage should be done gently and slowly.

      The crystal is known by many names. It is said to have "titanium aura" or calls "quartz with a fiery aura." It is born when alchemical rock crystal is combined with titanium and niobium. The process produces An opaque, metallic sparkling stone of intense rainbow color. It is one of the most grounding crystals. Strengthens aura and shields all chakras Against harmful or unwanted energies.

      The unevenness visible on the crystal comb, caused by the natural hardness of the stone, does not reduce its functionality, thus creating a sculptural crystal rarity.