Od 269.99 

According to lithotherapy, tourmaline strengthens, heals and Purifies both body and mind, bringing clarity and calmness. It is a good choice for people struggling with difficulty falling asleep. According to unconventional medicine can help dispel feelings of fear, regenerate fatigue and boost the immune system. It also has a rejuvenating effect and prevents physical and mental exhaustion.



Lithotherapy, or treatment with stones

Did you know that gemstones can positively affect your health and well-being? Lithotherapy, or stone healing, is based on the presence in minerals of exactly the same elements found in the human body. This definition cannot be read too literally, like a declaration to deal with any disease with a specific mineral. Lithotherapy can be a great addition to a comprehensive approach to one's health or mental condition. It has been an important and highly regarded branch of alternative medicine for thousands of years, popular especially in China and India, where it is one of the cornerstones of Ayurveda. This therapy is based on a simple premise: the stones contain the same bio-elements as in the human body, so in a sense we interact with them.

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approx. 6 cm, approx. 6.5 cm