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  • Tiger Eye is to ward off negative thoughts, doubts and confusion from pessimists. Its function is to help one feel happiness in life. Tiger's Eye is also believed to have the property of dispelling anxiety and fear.
  • Lapis Lazuli According to alternative medicine, it can strengthen the body's immune system. It is also useful for speech and hearing problems. It is believed that on the nervous system it can have a calming effect, relieving symptoms of stress and insomnia.
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Choose your INDIAN MALA

MALA is an Indian prayer rope consisting of 108 semi-precious stones with a guide stone on the front called the GURU BEAD. Mala can be worn as a necklace or wrapped several times around your wrist as a bracelet. MALA is used for MEDITATIONS, specifically to mantra countdowns During meditation. Wearing it every day reminds you of the intention you are working with at the moment.

Why 108 stones? There are many explanations for the mysterious number 108, here are some of them:

  • 9 and 12: the numbers 9 and 12 are considered sacred, and 9 x 12 = 108
  • Heart Chakra: chakras are intersections of energy lines and 108 energy lines converge to form the "heart chakra"
  • Time and feeling: some say there are 108 feelings, 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present moment and 36 related to the future
  • 8 extra balls: 100 mantra recitations are counted as completed and the remaining 8 are room for mistakes and errors, 8 are also offerings to God or the Guru
  • Own numbers: the numbers 1, 0, and 8 also have their own specific meanings; 1 for God or greater truth, 0 for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 for infinity or eternity

Choose your mala intuitively as you feel, in in tune with your heart. You can also choose a mala by suggesting its color or the stones used in it to enhance the work on your personal intent.

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