    • 289.99 

      - Howlite Calms and teaches patience, is an excellent stone for meditation and for peaceful sleep. It quiets the mind and eliminates tension. It is useful when dealing with violent and explosive people, and immunizes against their aggression. In unconventional medicine howlite It is used for physical pains.

      - Turquoise Cleanses from negative energy, promotes friendships and positive thinking. Enhances peace of mind and wisdom. Positively influences the throat chakra.

    • 449.99 
      • Tourmaline Strengthens, heals and cleanses both body and mind, bringing clarity and calmness. It is a good choice for those struggling to sleep. It helps dispel feelings of fear, regenerates a tired heart and, according to alternative medicine, can activate the immune system. It also has a rejuvenating effect and prevents physical and mental exhaustion.
      • Moonstone has a feminine, gentle energy that relieves stress and nullifies feelings of anger or jealousy. It enhances empathy, protects on the go and strengthens intuition making it able to guide us like a compass.


    • 329.99 
      • Tiger Eye is to ward off negative thoughts, doubts and confusion from pessimists. Its function is to help one feel happiness in life. Tiger's Eye is also believed to have the property of dispelling anxiety and fear.
      • Lapis Lazuli According to alternative medicine, it can strengthen the body's immune system. It is also useful for speech and hearing problems. It is believed that on the nervous system it can have a calming effect, relieving symptoms of stress and insomnia.
    • 549.99 
      • Malachite, unconventional medicine can Have an effect on the musculoskeletal and circulatory systems. Wearing it close to the skin is said to stimulate blood circulation and benefit the heart. It is believed to accelerate tissue regeneration and have an analgesic effect. Thanks to its copper content, it has an antibacterial effect.
      • Pearls have a protective effect, enhance qualities such as loyalty, honor and are helpful for development. They also help to appreciate and enjoy life and take full advantage of it. In the past, pearls were used to protect against the evil eye. They were also helpful in predicting the future.
    • 389.99 
      • Fluorite, according to unconventional medicine, affects On brain cells and thought processes. It can effectively clear an overloaded nervous system, increase the ability to absorb new information, deepen concentration and cause-and-effect analysis of facts. It helps in understanding things that are not entirely empirically provable.
      • Citrine will help regulate sleep and make it easier to communicate with others. It is an excellent support for enterprising and creative people starting new ventures. Citrine is a stone that adds energy and strength to action, and brings good luck.
    • 389.99 
      • Rose Quartz Moods you to feel love, receive the most subtle emotions and extrasensory messages. It enhances energy, empathy and sensitivity, both to beauty and to other beings. Rose quartz is also a mineral that will work well during women's rituals and ceremonies.
      • Rudraksha allows us to align the positive energy around us to specific aspects of health, happiness, spiritual fulfillment, creativity, intuition, material goals , family harmony, attraction to others, self-development and stress-free living.
      • Amethyst Pushes away bad thoughts, restores harmony of spirit and allows you to focus on important things. It takes part in the formation of a strong will and character work.
    • 559.99 
      • Chrysocolla It exudes gentleness and strength of feminine energy. It is also called the stone of wise women. The stone's energy was thought to help older women channel their wisdom and experience, which they expressed through writing, painting, crafts, music or acting. For men, the stone can prove helpful in getting in touch with their feminine energy.
      • Picture jasper Establishes good contact with the Earth and resonating with its vibrations. It brings gentleness, understanding, harmony and comfort. This mala dismisses anxiety and negative thoughts. It is recommended for working with grounding and a sense of meaning in life.
    • 399.99 

      - Amethyst Pushes away evil thoughts and restores harmony of spirit and allows you to focus on important things. It takes part in the formation of a strong will and character work.

      - Pyrite Supports you in spiritual transformation and decision-making. It will allow you to take control of your life and reach for your dreams. It will increase motivation and remove worries that stand in our way of fulfillment.

    • 389.99 
      • Bronzite will neutralize evil charms cast on you and push away negative thoughts directed towards you. It will restore harmony to your life and allow you to find a solution even in those situations that seem to have no way out. It supports you in acting in accordance with your honor and your morals. It is a good idea to work with MALA of bronzite, applying it to your solar plexus - this way you will allow it to act as a protective shield.
      • Rose quartz Moods you to feel love, receive the most subtle emotions and extrasensory messages. It enhances energy, empathy and sensitivity, both to beauty and to other beings. Rose quartz is also a mineral that will work well during women's rituals and ceremonies.
      • Howlite Calms and teaches patience, is an excellent stone for meditation and for peaceful sleep. It quiets the mind and eliminates tension. It is useful when dealing with violent and explosive people, and immunizes against their aggression. In unconventional medicine howlite It is used for physical pains.
    • 409.99 
      • Labradorite will be an ideal companion on the road to spiritual transformation. This mineral promotes change and growth, allows you to look within yourself, cleanses the aura and adds power. At the same time, it protects against evil and allows you to use all your talents.
      • Lapis Lazuli According to alternative medicine, it can strengthen the body's immune system. It is also useful for speech and hearing problems. It is believed that on the nervous system it can have a calming effect, relieving symptoms of stress and insomnia.


    • 379.99 

      - MALA with rhodonite Will support you in healing spiritual wounds, as well as in decision-making. It supports unconditional love, strengthens friendship and is good for interpersonal relationships. It can help with female problems and even strengthen the immune system. At the same time, it also adds strength and protects against evil.

      - Turquoise Cleanses from negative energy, promotes friendships and positive thinking. Enhances peace of mind and wisdom. Has a positive effect on the throat chakra.

    • 299.99 
      • Amethyst Pushes away evil thoughts and restores harmony of spirit and allows you to focus on important things. It takes part in the formation of a strong will and character work.
      • Moonstone has a feminine, gentle energy that relieves stress and nullifies feelings of anger or jealousy. It enhances empathy, protects on the go and strengthens intuition making it able to guide us like a compass.


    • 559.99 
      • Male with serpentinite It is recommended for people who have memory problems, intensive learners and for the elderly. The mineral calms, soothes emotions and aids relaxation. According to alternative medicine, it can have a healing effect on hormones, immunity and supports when treating infections or poisoning. It stimulates the crown chakra causing spiritual awakening.
      • Amethyst It drives away evil thoughts and helps to maintain abstinence for many years. The stone restores harmony of spirit and allows you to focus on important things, takes part in the formation of a strong will and character work.
    • 379.99 
      • Wood agate Will be useful during spiritual transformations and work on oneself. It is considered an important talisman in the processes of purification, cutting off the past, working with traumas or therapy. The wood agate mala will help to gain optimism and facilitate acceptance of one's own psychic shadow.
      • Lapis Lazuli According to alternative medicine, it can strengthen the body's immune system. It is also useful for speech and hearing problems. It is believed that on the nervous system it can have a calming effect, relieving symptoms of stress and insomnia.


    • 289.99 

      - Aventurine green ensures success in business, but also the ability to communicate with a partner or partner. It calms and removes harmful, strong emotions. It is worth using to cleanse the air in the room of pollutants.

      - Moonstone has a feminine, gentle energy that relieves stress and nullifies feelings of anger or jealousy. It enhances empathy, protects on the go and strengthens intuition making it able to guide us like a compass.

    • 559.99 

      - Moonstone has a feminine, gentle energy that relieves stress and nullifies feelings of anger or jealousy. It enhances empathy, protects on the go and strengthens intuition making it able to guide us like a compass.

      - Apatite Helps you transform your dreams into reality and achieve your goals. It fosters self-insight, the development of imagination, creativity and learning skills. It is also a throat chakra stone, which opens honest and clear channels of communication to help express our truth.

    • 449.99 
      • Lapis Lazuli According to alternative medicine, it can strengthen the body's immune system. It is believed that it can have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieving symptoms of stress and insomnia.
      • Moonstone has a feminine, gentle energy that relieves stress and nullifies feelings of anger or jealousy. It enhances empathy, protects on the go and strengthens intuition making it able to guide us like a compass.
    • 359.99 

      Mala made of Ruby Zoiste combines qualities that support fertility in any area of life, including professional or creative, and remove discouragement, anxiety, chaos in the mind. It helps connect with the outside world, enhances empathy, but also encourages self-reflection.