    • 619.99 

      Gabbro is a rare stone with unique properties, which is formed by crystallization of magma. A skullcap made of this mineral will be an excellent choice for people who have trouble finding the right direction in life. It is a supporting stone. It is believed to help find answers to questions about oneself, calms, tranquilizes and supports in difficult, stressful situations.

      Size: 126 x 93 x 78mm | Weight: 1261g

    • 679.99 

      According to alternative medicine, the fluorite skullcap primarily affects brain cells and thought processes. It is said to effectively cleanse an overloaded nervous systemIncreases the ability to absorb new information, deepens concentration and causal analysis of facts. It helps in understanding things that are not entirely empirically provable.

      Size: 126 x 84 x 99mm | Weight: 1520g

    • 719.99 

      Ivory jasper skull helps overcome loneliness, learn to love your own company. Helps you to take pleasure in communing with nature. Helps in slowing down the lifestyle. It is a great companion for travel, especially during long drives and business trips. It attracts prosperity. Helps in conducting negotiations.

      Size: 126 x 83 x 98mm | Weight: 1263g

    • 819.99 

      A skull made from a coral fossil would be a good artifact for anyone who needs grounding and is on the eve of a life change. Brings luck and chases away bad luck

    • 859.99 

      A skull made from a coral fossil would be a good artifact for anyone who needs grounding and is on the eve of a life change. Brings luck and chases away bad luck

      Size: 126 x 82 x 98mm | Weight: 1280g

    • 859.99 

      A skull made from a coral fossil would be a good artifact for anyone who needs grounding and is on the eve of a life change. Brings luck and chases away bad luck

      Size: 126 x 84 x 95mm | Weight: 1355g

    • 649.99 

      According to alternative medicine, a skull made of colored jasper balances the biofield, strengthens the immune system, calms the nervous system and boosts self-confidence. Jasper maintains the balance between yin and yang and simultaneously secures mental, emotional and physical balance. It is especially recommended for people who are highly stressed.

      Size: 126 x 83 x 98mm) | Weight: 1272g

    • 779.99 

      This variety of jasper has extremely nurturing properties. She will support you and keep your spirits up in times of stress or difficulty. It will give you what you need to get through a difficult stage, and will do so with love and protection. This stone will accompany you during your difficult period and will give you a strong connection to reality. It will bring a sense of peace, happiness and wholeness. 

      Size: 127 x 84 x 98mm | Weight: 1308g

    • 779.99 

      Asiatic yarrow is often used for increase courage, motivation and creative energy. It also has beneficial effects on endurance and physical strength. In addition, yarrow can remove blockages that keep you from actingwhich will help revitalize our energy and clear a clear path forward.

      Size: 126 x 84 x 99mm | Weight:1377g

    • 889.99 

      Asian amazonite skullcap has powerful properties attracting abundance and prosperity. Asian amazonite is associated with money, luck and overall success. Commonly referred to as "the gambler's stone." It attracts good luck and fortune in life. According to alternative medicine, amazonite has Soothing effect on the nervous system.

      Size: 127 x 84 x 98mm | Weight: 1256g

    • 629.99 

      Blue sodalite is called the blue "logic stone" because of its The ability to clear the mind and bring out deep thoughts. A skull of this stone enhances the analytical side of the person possessing it. It triggers creativity.  Strengthens discipline and perseverance.  It lightens the mind and allows you to make good decisions.

    • 739.99 

      The Blue Calcite Skullcap is effective against one's own laziness. According to alternative medicine, possifies strong medicinal properties Among other things: stimulates metabolism, improves the immune system, stabilizes heart rhythm, lowers blood pressure, and relieves pain. Due to the double refraction of light Enhances the effect of magical spells. It is a perfect complement to rituals and affirmations.


      Size: 127 x 84 x 100mm | Weight: 1396g

    • 629.99 

      Blue sodalite is called the blue "logic stone" because of its The ability to clear the mind and bring out deep thoughts. A skull of this stone enhances the analytical side of the person possessing it. It triggers creativity.  Strengthens discipline and perseverance.  It lightens the mind and allows you to make good decisions.

      Size: 127 x 9 6x 79mm | Weight: 1115g

    • 719.99 

      The Autumn Leaf jasper skullcap provides an inspiring calm that allows you to not only better understand the world, but also yourself. Helps you connect with the Earth, balance the energy and dismiss distracting thoughts. This is the perfect talisman for anyone who needs to focus on following their dreams or on creative work.

      Size: 127 x 84 x 97mm | Weight: 1276g

    • 719.99 

      African verdite stone skull can increase strength, reliability and integrity. Verdite is associated with many chakras, especially the solar plexus, heart, sacral and root chakras. According to alternative medicine, the stone can also help improve the respiratory and circulatory systems.

      Size: 126 x 83 x 98mm | Weight: 1286g

    • 789.99 

      Jadeite "Afghanistan" known as "stone serpent" -. an amazing healing gem. According to alternative medicine, the skullcap of this stone shows exceptional properties in crystal healing - it uses powerful healing energy that creates an energetic and protective shield around the body. It is said that it can effectively calm the nervous system and can help the body fight infections and support the treatment of hypoglycemia and diabetes.

      In addition to protecting the body from harm, Jadeite "Afghanistan" works to protect mental, emotional and spiritual health.

      Size: 126 x 82 x 99mm | Weight: 1249g

    • -30% Off

      Unique handmade necklace with your zodiac sign. The double-sided pendant features a beautiful engraving of your zodiac sign and its constellation.

      • Hematite Stimulates the vitality of the body, gives strength and confidence in own abilities. It is called the stone of warriors and provides support in times of discouragement and weakness. It also has the advantage of having a positive effect on human energy and raising vibrations.
      • Pearls Are helpful in development, foster qualities such as nobility, honor and loyalty. They help you to be true to your principles, protect you from evil and purify you from negative thoughts.
      • Aquamarine it's called "stone of courage". It is believed to give courage to people who are shy or those who have difficulty expressing emotions, feelings, thoughts and assertiveness honestly.
      • Stainless steel coated 18k gold.


    • -30% Off

      Unique handmade necklace with your zodiac sign. The double-sided pendant features a beautiful engraving of your zodiac sign and its constellation.

      • Hematite Stimulates the vitality of the body, gives strength and confidence in own abilities. It is called the stone of warriors and provides support in times of discouragement and weakness. It also has the advantage of having a positive effect on human energy and raising vibrations.
      • Pearls Are helpful in development, foster qualities such as nobility, honor and loyalty. They help you to be true to your principles, protect you from evil and purify you from negative thoughts.
      • Chrysocolla can help relieve anxiety, regain peace of mind and mental clarity. It is believed to be calming. It is sometimes effective for insomnia. It improves mood, enhances patience with other people, especially children.

      The product is handmade - the finish of each piece may vary slightly, and the clasps and tinsels are from stainless steel plated with 18k gold.