    • 3,759.99 


      The mother is a symbol not only of femininity and maternal care, but also care for self and others, gentleness, unconditional love. The shamanic drum with this motif is also worth reaching for with the intention of growing in one's own creativity, developing creative work, in meditation to support its fruits.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 3,759.99 


      The deer as a Power Animal symbolizes vitality and the combination of gentleness and dynamism. It allows you to understand your emotions and appreciate your own wisdom, to use all your potential and all your talents. It is worth reaching for the shamanic drum with the Deer totem to chase away negative energy, seek proper direction and sharpen the senses.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 3,159.99 


      The Jaguar is a Power Animal who introduces us to the mystery of the night, supports us in recognizing our fears and facing them. He is a patient and wise guide through the land of shadows, which allows you to gain your own experience and learn from your mistakesIt will protect you from evil and give you the best support. Use the shamanic drum with the Jaguar motif in rituals that aim to contact all aspects of your self.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 3,159.99 

      Mountain Goat

      The Mountain Goat manifests independence, versatility, and the ability to gracefully overcome the most difficult obstacles. The goat also symbolizes the "horn of plenty" and the ability to take one's life by the horns. Working with the shamanic drum with this totem will allow you to strengthen your intuition and push beyond your energy field what is harmful ballast for you.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 3,159.99 


      The Dragon is a symbol of primal power and mystery that is difficult to understand with human perception. It is one of the strongest Animals of Power, which Promotes mastery over spiritual elements and directing power in the right direction. The dragon is also treated as a talisman of luck and prosperity, so you should reach for a shamanic drum with this totem if you want to attract abundance.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 3,159.99 


      The Dragon is a symbol of primal power and mystery that is difficult to understand with human perception. It is one of the strongest Animals of Power, which Promotes mastery over spiritual elements and directing power in the right direction. The dragon is also treated as a talisman of luck and prosperity, so you should reach for a shamanic drum with this totem if you want to attract abundance.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 2,359.99 


      Lynx is a supportive Power Animal that Fosters looking inside yourself and listening to your needsThe shamanic drum with Lynx is useful in ceremonies and rituals that aim to get rid of preconceptions and limitations. The shamanic drum with Lynx will be useful during ceremonies and rituals that aim to get rid of prejudices and limitations, openness to possibilities and new opportunities. They will be indispensable for creativity and artistic inspiration.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 2,659.99 


      The cougar is the essence of power, strength, agility and cunning. As an Animal of Power, it symbolizes individualism, The ability to see your own grace and harmonize it with your power. For example, reach for the shamanic drum with Puma when you want to balance the feminine and masculine aspects of your self or when you need the support of a feline spiritual guide.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 2,359.99 


      Bear is a Power Animal that has healing and protective effects, teaches to follow your nature and live in its rhythmEven if it means falling into and waking up from winter sleep. Working with the shamanic drum decorated with the Bear motif will support you in listening to your own needs and setting your own limits.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.

    • 2,659.99 


      Choose a shamanic drum with a Horse motif. It is a supporting Power Animal, symbolizing freedom, perseverance and strength to live. It teaches how to go through life with lightness and in harmony with oneself, remaining independent. The horse also symbolizes the ability to overcome obstacles, even those that seem insurmountable.

      Each drum is created by hand, so the lead time is up to 60 days after ordering.