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Cards of Power - an original design by Tamara Gonzalez Perea. Order your set today!

What are Power Cards and why did you want to create your own deck of cards?

Tamara Gonzalez Perea: Cards of Power was created as an extension of my many years of working with cards, as a A tool for connecting with the Soul, intuition, subconscious - whatever you want to call it. I love working with the Cards because they are the perfect expression of what we need to hear or understand at any given moment. Another reason was that I couldn't find the perfect deck for me. I am a person to whom images are very appealing and in many decks they are too poor. There were also times when the cards didn't come with a guide or the cards themselves weren't enough - there are usually about 40 in a deck. I felt I needed a tool that was expansive in both the visual and textual realms and that would be stimulating in connecting with my intuition and Soul. The Power Cards have as many as 63 Cards and are richly decorated with images of symbolic, magical-mystical significance. The set also includes Guide, which includes questions. It also contains additional possibilities for interpreting the cards. Guide It is an excellent supplement, as well as an important part of working with the Cards. I strongly encourage you to use it on par with the Cards! 

What is the basis for working with the cards? 

TGP: Working with the Cards involves sitting down to them with an intention - that is, a topic, a question, an issue you want to see in an authentic light - and shuffling them, asking the Cards to respond. We are actually asking our Soul, intuition, subconscious to respond. The cards are only a tool to convey the answers when working with these areas. I always joke that it doesn't matter whether we work with cards, runes or fortune telling - it's a matter of tool. Cards, on the other hand, are excellent in that they contain lots of clear symbols and key words. Working with the Cards of Power is clear even to people who have not had any previous experience with any oracle deck cards and those who want to build or further develop a relationship with their intuition. Of course, a detailed description of how to work with the Cards can be found in the Guide included in the kit. 

There are various editions of cards available on the market, the so-called 'oracle deck' (oracle cards), why did you decide on this particular form?

TGP: The reason I chose the oracle deck, or oracle cards, rather than tarot cards, for example, is that working with them requires no preparation or knowledge. To work with them all you need is intention, willingness, readiness and a little quiet time for yourself. You can work with the Power Cards on your own, as well as lay them out for others, for example, if you are doing coaching or mentoring. You can use them during circles, therapy sessions, workshops, if you work with clients. I have been working with my working deck of Power Cards for more than a year, they are present at every workshop and circle at Laparica Concept. As a result, I have been able to see what their reception is and I can see the beautiful guidance they bring. Everyone stresses that the cards always tell the truth. This is because our Soul always tells the truth. Even when it is hard for someone to accept their message at first, after reading the description in the Guide and work with additional questions, everything becomes clear! I deeply feel that the Power Cards are a tool that comes directly from the Source of Love and Light. Są darem, który miałam zaszczyt wydać wnieść do świata, żeby każdy kto czuje, że chce nimi pracować mógł głębiej łączyć się ze swoją intuicją i porozumiewać ze sobą i swoją Duszą. Przeglądaj nasze produkty z różnorodnymi opcjami odpowiadającymi każdemu gustowi i budżetowi, które można kupić online.

What goes into the Power Cards?

TGP: The Cards of Power include a deck of 63 richly illustrated Cards with gilded edges and descriptions, and a guidebook in an ecological leather cover with a beautifully decorated, embossed wrapper. I dreamed it up to look like a book of magic or a book of ancient knowledge. The set comes in a magnetically fastened box, making it very handy to handle and store. It was a long process to find a place where it would be possible to realize the booklet in the format of my choice, nevertheless everything in the Cards is polished - gilding, colors... Communing with them is a pure pleasure. I wanted working with the Cards of Power to be a mystical, magical experience. The Cards are an invitation to travel deep within yourself, to a place where, through symbols, images and key words, your Soul communicates with you! 

What was the process of creating the Power Cards like?

TGP: Until the day the cards were issued, this process took three and a half years. The Cards of Power simply came to me. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and the name and list of the Cards floated down to me. I felt and saw exactly what was supposed to be on them. I knew I had to create it! I also knew that for this beautiful mission I needed a partner to take care of the graphic design. So I contacted my friend Kasia Herman, who is a talented artist after the Academy of Fine Arts and paints beautiful spiritual paintings and mandalas. We worked together for many months. The cards were deepened many times, we added layers of symbols to them. I created the concepts and descriptions, then Kasia and I discussed the illustrations together. Descriptions of the Cards you will find in Guide came exactly like the idea for the Cards. It was a pure message from the Source for me.  

Where can I buy Power Cards?

TGP: Power cards can be purchased at my store