    • Od 129.99 

      According to unconventional medicine, the moonstone has a feminine, gentle energy that relieves stress and nullifies feelings of anger or jealousy. It enhances empathy, protects on the journey and strengthens intuition making it able to guide us like a compass.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • Od 299.99 

      According to unconventional medicine, tourmaline strengthens, heals and Purifies both body and mind, bringing clarity and calmness. It's a good choice for people struggling to sleep. According to lithotherapy, it can help dispel feelings of fear, regenerate fatigue and support the immune system. It also has a rejuvenating effect and prevents physical and mental exhaustion.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • Od 149.99 

      According to unconventional medicine, black obsidian is a an amulet that protects against bad luck and negative energy. It will enable you to transform bad, painful experiences into positive ones. It will make it easier for you to become independent of the influence of others and make your own decisions. It is an ideal support for spiritual development. This mineral promotes change and development, allows you to look within yourself, cleanses the aura and adds power. At the same time, it protects you from evil and allows you to use all your talents.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • Od 149.99 

      According to unconventional medicine, amethyst drives away evil thoughts and helps maintain abstinence for years to come. Stone restores harmony of spirit and allows you to focus on important things, participates in strong will formation and character work.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • Od 169.99 

      According to unconventional medicine, serpentinite is recommended for people who have memory problems, intensive learners and for the elderly. The mineral calms, soothes emotions and aids relaxation. According to lithotherapy, it can have a healing effect on hormones, immunity and supports when treating infections or poisoning. Stimulates the crown chakra causing spiritual awakening.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • Od 189.99 

      According to unconventional medicine, mokaite is a talisman that will bring stability and peace in groundbreaking or very stressful moments in life. It helps to accept facts and come to terms with their impact on our lives. This stone should be worked with by people who endure change badly and are unable to cope with difficulties.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • Od 169.99 

      In lithotherapy, blue sodalite is called blue "logic stone" due to its ability to Clears the mind and brings out deep thoughts. It activates creativity. It strengthens discipline and perseverance. It is believed to brighten the mind and allow one to make good decisions.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

    • 299.99 

      The mountain crystal, seemingly transparent and fragile, is considered the most valuable in lithotherapy. It is credited with the power to remove blockages at the level of all chakras. Ayurvedatracts about its support in combating anxiety or improving the vitality of the whole body. Considered a stone that brings harmony and a sense of happiness.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Weight: 350 - 500g

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • Od 199.99 

      According to lithotherapy, the tiger's eye has a drive away negative thoughts and doubts. Its function is to help one feel happiness in life. Tiger's eye is also believed to have the property of dispelling anxiety and fear.

      The energy of crystal obelisks is concentrated - this shape is believed to enhance the mineral's properties. Polished crystal is recommended for working with difficult subjects due to its gentle vibration.

      Each obelisk is unique and slightly different - it has a different shape, shade or reflection. We choose the product intuitively (taking into account only the selected weight of the product). It is a natural aggregate - keep the obelisk remote from moisture, preferably in a dry and shady place. 

    • 34.99 

      Elegant gold stand made of metal for crystal balls.

      Universal size - fits any size ball. Height 2.8 cm, width about 5.3 cm. 

    • Od 249.99 

      Strawberry quartz especially affects the heart chakra. According to lithotherapy days the strength to share feelings, strengthens love and friendship, but also attracts the right situations and the right people into our lives. In addition, it balances each other's influences of the physical body and aura.

    • Od 209.99 

      According to lithotherapy, pomegranate Helps overcome fear of change, facilitates the recall of previous incarnations, stabilizes feelings and ensures fidelity in a relationship. It will also facilitate success in business. It enhances positive thinking and energy and brings hope.

    • 479.99 

      Zoisite is a stone with powerful energy of happiness and abundance. According to hitotherapy, it can relieve bad emotions such as sadness, feelings of helplessness, failure or anger. It has a positive effect on the heart chakra, Helps to open up to love.

      Diameter: approx. 6.6 cm

    • 279.99 

      According to lithotherapy, hematite adds vitality and physical strength. It is a stone that accumulates energy - so it brings energy balance to the human body by taking away excess energy or adding it - when it is lacking. Thanks to this improves well-being. It also neutralizes terrestrial radiation and negative energy.

      Diameter: about 7 cm 

    • Od 269.99 

      According to lithotherapy, tourmaline strengthens, heals and Purifies both body and mind, bringing clarity and calmness. It is a good choice for people struggling with difficulty falling asleep. According to unconventional medicine can help dispel feelings of fear, regenerate fatigue and boost the immune system. It also has a rejuvenating effect and prevents physical and mental exhaustion.


    • 259.99 

      In non-conventional medicine, ocean jasper is believed to have strong calming properties. It helps release negative feelings to help you feel more optimistic. Its energy stimulates the heart chakra to Evoke feelings of joy, happiness and elevated spirit. Recommended for meditation. 

      Diameter: about 7, 2 cm 

    • 319.99 

      According to unconventional medicine, rhodonite will Support you in healing spiritual wounds as well as in making decisions. It promotes unconditional love, strengthens friendship and is good for interpersonal relationships. At the same time, it also adds strength and protects against evil. 

      Diameter approx. 6 - 6.5 cm 

    • 239.99 

      Blue sodalite is called the blue "logic stone" because of its The ability to clear the mind and bring out deep thoughts. The stone strengthens the analytical side of the person possessing it. It triggers creativity. Strengthens discipline and perseverance.  It is said to lighten the mind and allow good decisions to be made.
