
    • 69.99 

      The seven chakra candles correspond to The seven most important energy points located in each person's body. Wrap up with a beautiful aroma, as well as recharge all meridians and surprise you with a wonderful and abundant content crystals inside.

      Crown Chakra Candle (awareness, spirituality, faith, inspiration) color: purple, fragrance: lavender. The scent of lavender minimizes the harmful effects of stress, calms and relaxes. It has a positive effect on the nervous system.

      The product was made by hand. The candle in a glass vessel with a gilded Laparica label will be perfect for a gift.

      Ingredients: soy wax, crystals, dried flowers. We recommend removing larger pieces of dried flowers before lighting the candle. Burning time up to 30h. It is recommended to burn the candle for no more than 4h at a time. Before firing the candle, gently trim the wick. 

    • 69.99 

      Ritual white candle Raising Vibration Aligns and restores good energy, balances the aura. It emanates the energy of light. Cleanses and protects. It envelops with a beautiful aroma of vanilla. The scent of vanilla relaxes and envelops you, allowing you to feel safe and comfortable. Remember that the magic of ritual candles happens when you you burn them with intention. The right color amplifies the power of your ritual.

      The product was made by hand. The candle in a glass vessel with a gilded Laparica label will be perfect for a gift.

      Ingredients: soy wax, crystals, dried flowers. We recommend removing larger pieces of dried flowers before lighting the candle. Burning time up to 30h. It is recommended to burn the candle for no more than 4h at a time. Before firing the candle, gently trim the wick. 

    • 59.99 

      Ritual Black Cleansing Candle unblocks, absorbs and protects. It will help to discover the truth and release from bad emotions. Makes it easier to cut off what doesn't serve you. Releases blockages. Dismisses bad energy. Wraps with the beautiful aroma of white sage. The scent of sage relaxes and clears the mind, so it is conducive to meditation, study, getting rid of intrusive thoughts and worries. It also has an excellent practical effect neutralizing unpleasant aromas and refreshing the air, as well as cleansing the space of unwanted negative energies. Remember that the magic of ritual candles happens when you burn them with intention. The right color amplifies the power of your ritual.

      The product was made by hand. The candle in a glass vessel with a gilded Laparica label will be perfect for a gift.

      Ingredients: soy wax, crystals, dried flowers. We recommend removing larger pieces of dried flowers before lighting the candle. Burning time up to 30 h. It is recommended to burn the candle for no more than 4h at a time. Before firing the candle, gently trim the wick. 

    • 59.99 

      Intention candle to work with feminine energy with beautiful feminine shapes, light pink in color and intense rose fragrance, the queen of flowers.

      The candle is used to work with the feminine. It helps to awaken feminine energy and open up to one's own femininity. It is perfect for intention rituals during menstruation.

      The candle was handmade from soy wax i natural rose essential oil. We especially recommend burning an intention candle during meditation to strengthen intention. By blowing out the flame of the candle we interrupt the intention, Therefore, you should stay with it until the end of its burnout. It will serve to tame yourself, to connect with your femininity.

      Natural product. Burning time up to 35 min. Gently trim the wick before firing the candle.

    • 34.99 

      Intention candle to work with feminine energy with beautiful feminine shapes, light pink in color and intense rose fragrance, the queen of flowers.

      The candle is used to work with the feminine. It helps to awaken feminine energy and open up to one's own femininity. It is perfect for intention rituals during menstruation.

      The candle was handmade from soy wax i natural rose essential oil. We especially recommend burning an intention candle during meditation to strengthen intention. By blowing out the flame of the candle we interrupt the intention, Therefore, you should stay with it until the end of its burnout. It will serve to tame yourself, to connect with your femininity.

      Natural product. Burning time up to 30 min. Gently trim the wick before firing the candle.

    • 59.99 

      Handmade soy wax candles fragrance moonlight musk, which combines notes of coconut and musk. Wooden wick. Natural coconut husk. They will enrich any space with their natural uniqueness.

      The product is natural. Each candle has a slightly different shape.

    • 99.99 

      Natural shell Available in two sizes S (about 12 x 10 cm) and M (about 15 x 12 cm). Two sizes of shells allow you to create interesting compositions. They can be used as Coasters for Aleppo soap, incense or jewelry. The shells represent an interesting addition to the interior. They can accompany you during yoga practice, wrapping palo santo, or meditation. You can calmly place dried leaves of white sage in it, and envelope yourself or your space.

      The products are natural. Shells may vary in color, shape and size.

      Discover our kits MUSHLE + PALO SANTO 100g and SHELL + HERBAL INCENSE

    • 35.99 

      Copper bowl Can be used as a stand for candle,jewelry, cone incense, palo santo, a bunch of white sage.
      It will also find its use as an energy plate for crystals.

    • 34.99 

      It is a traditional syrian soap originating from the city Aleppo, where for more than 2,000 years it has been handmade by its inhabitants. It is extremely mild and was created according to an ancient recipe using the highest quality olive oil and bay oil. Thanks to a process that has been unchanged for years Aleppo is a natural product of very high quality.  It has moisturizing, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It is an ideal natural cosmetic for dry skin care and affected Acne, psoriasis or eczema.

      Aleppo soap Is a completely natural product. Our soap contains 40% of bay oil i 60% olive oil.